Merging Many Talents at Mindful Movement Workshop in Phoenix

Founder Char Grossman and YogaReach team member Michael Ingram presented the YogaReach Mindful Movement for PD Workshop at Ability360 in earlier this month. An acclaimed nonprofit, Ability360 has served Arizonans with disabilities since 1981. Vice President and General Manager Gus LaZeal opened the weekend’s program.
Char and Michael trained a myriad of professionals including yoga therapists, yoga teachers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists, and therapeutic recreation specialists. This wonderful mix of 16 highly-trained professionals joined our YogaReach Team for two days of extensive hands-on learning.
We were thrilled that occupational and yoga therapist Dr. Jordan Staenger was our guest speaker and helped make the event happen. Jordan works at the Muhammad Ali Parkinson’s Center at Barrow Neurological Institute and owns Mindful Occupational Therapy. Jordan incorporates mindfulness and yoga therapy in her work, and has extensive experience working with various neurological conditions.
Through lecture, observation and hands-on practice, Char, Michael and Jordan showed how clients transfer adapted yoga movement sequences they learn into their daily lives, like reaching for objects or driving a car. Some of Jordan’s clients even participated in a sample class, giving workshop attendees the chance to see our Mindful Movement class in action. The presenters and participants discussed and demonstrated various adaptive therapeutic techniques that build new skills and strengthen existing abilities for a variety of neurological conditions.
On our last day, we welcomed American Ninja Warrior Jimmy Choi and his wife Cherryl. Jimmy shared his Parkinson’s story, which began when he was 27 years old. We are grateful for the Chois’ inspiration, openness to find a cure, and the support they showed for the YogaReach program and our participants.
If you are interested in either attending or hosting our Mindful Movement Professional Workshop in your community, we’d love to meet you! Please visit our Events page or email our founder, Char Grossman.